Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Busy few shows!!

We have been pretty busy over last few months with the shows,jazz has won another three dog cc's and a best of breed, and Djouny (En Vogue) has has won another three Bitch cc's, two best of breeds, two res cc's and a Utility group 4 placing!!Ashencruz Miss Marple has won a res cc, all in the last 6 shows we attended. With immense thanks to all judges involved, Ron Menaker USA (National ch show), Albert wight (Bath ch show), Kari Jarvinen (Southern Counties ch show), Jackie Hood (Blackpool ch show), Mary Deats (East of England ch show) and Jeff Horswell (Leeds ch show) and Roger bayliss (Group placing at Blackpool). Jazz CC tally now runs at 23 with Djouny on 7.